East Sussex Business Guide & Directory - page 2

Havelock Place, Hastings - artist’s impression
Sites and premises
for business growth
Economic development company
Sea Change Sussex is running
an extensive programme to
create high quality business sites
and premises across East
Sussex, providing expansion
opportunities for companies
from multinationals to start ups.
The company is backed by
East Sussex County, Hastings
Borough and Rother District
councils, the University of
Brighton, the voluntary sector
and major local businesses.
Havelock Place, Hastings
Sea Change’s latest scheme in
Hastings’ Priory Quarter town
centre business district is
Havelock Place. This will provide
24,000 sq ft of high quality
offices by summer 2014.
It stands two minutes’ walk from
Hastings’ station, university,
college and Saga Insurance’s
offices and will accommodate
over 350 employees.
It can be let as an entire building,
separate floors around 4,000 sq
ft or smaller ground floor
offices/retail units.
Sea Change plans to follow this
scheme with a further 37,000 sq
ft of adjoining offices.
To find out more, visit
1 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,...52
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